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Statement of Lutheran Identity

As a Lutheran congregation, we participate in the mission and ministry of the wider Church through our membership in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the New Jersey Synod of that body.


As Lutherans, we confess faith in the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  We accept and acknowledge theology and teachings that include the belief that our faith is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Through grace God brings us to faith, and by that faith alone we are saved.  That faith is then expressed in our daily lives as we demonstrate our love of God through active love for others. Lutheran worship centers around the Word of God, read and proclaimed, and the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.  Our weekly worship includes a collective prayer of confession and absolution, reading and preaching of God’s Word, public profession of our faith using the Apostles’ or Nicene Creed, prayer and the Lord’s Supper.  An emphasis on liturgy and music invites active participation of all who gather.


The Lutheran tradition includes an emphasis on the theology of the cross – that God is found where we least expect – not in what the world considers powerful, but in what the world considers weak and foolish. God comes to us in human flesh and dies on a Roman cross at the hands of his own creatures in order to conquer sin and death and make a way for us to be saved.


We also emphasize lifelong learning for all so that we might grow more and more in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Christian Education is offered at various times and in various settings in order to allow all who desire to do so to develop and deepen their understanding of the Bible and a Lutheran perspective of the Christian faith.


At The Lutheran Church of the Reformation, we welcome all who seek to know the saving love of God in the crucified and risen Christ.

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