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Sunday School

Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray. Proverbs 22:6


Sunday Church School, SCS, occupies a rich tradition here at Reformation.  The children learn about their faith through the study of the weekly scriptures and prayer.  In addition, faith is enhanced with music, crafts and games.  We will occasionally explore the beauty of the world God gave to us through science.  The children also participate in the worship service through song, skits and communion.

We maintain three separate classes: Pre K –K, grades 1-3 and grades 4-6.  We have three sessions during the year – fall, winter and spring.

The SCS program, along with a very caring and dedicated staff, is administered with love and perseverance.  Please have your child join us – even volunteer if you like.  SCS is very rewarding for child and adult alike.

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